Our Latest competition was Design your own Olympic torch it went down really well. We had loads of drawn onces as well as havinf lots of made onces. The winners were:
Year 2: James
Year 3: Tyler
Year 4: Joe
Year 5: Joshua
Year 6: Ellie
Well done to the people who won the design your own costume for usain bolt they were:
Year 2: Sonna
Year 3: Isac
Year 4: Megan
Year 5: Joe
Year 6: Charlotte
Well done to the other people that took part in that competition but unfortunatly did not win. But to every one else good luck with the other competitions that you may enter.
All the bronze ambassadors would like to say a well done to all the winners from the past that have won and good luck to all the people that are going to enter in the new competitions in the future! Hope you win!